The purpose of this blog is to document events and compile information related to the Patuxent Branch Trail Extension, T7107.

The Patuxent Branch Trail Extension is a proposed initiative to install a 10 foot wide multi-use pathway along the sewer line adjacent to the Little Patxuent River from downtown Columbia to Savage Park. This 2.8 mile paved trail will travel through the neighborhood of Allview Estates.

The trail extension is part of the Connecting Columbia Action Agenda and is coordinated by the Columbia Association in partnership with the County's Master Bicycle Plan initiative.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Timeline of events related to the Patuxent Branch Trail Expansion

October 2011: The contract for the Columbia Active Transportation Action Agenda project was awarded to Toole Design Group, a nationally-recognized planning and engineering firm specializing in bicycle and pedestrian planning and design. A 16-member citizens’ task force was formed to provide guidance to CA and consultants as they worked to create an active transportation action agenda.

January 2012:  The "Connecting Columbia" initiative was officially born.  An Open House was held by the Columbia Association and was open to the public.

February-March 2012:  The late winter and spring of 2012 was devoted to fieldwork and the development of recommendations.

May 2012:  A second public meeting was held to help draft recommendations and the agenda.

July 2012:  In July 2012, the Connecting Columbia Action Agenda was finalized.  More about the project can be found here.  From their website:

The goal of the Action Agenda is to create a more interconnected bicycling and walking circulation system in Columbia for health, recreational, and transportation purposes. 

Their objectives are:
  • Increase the amount of bicycling and walking throughout Columbia among people of all ages and abilities
  • Improve the safety of the pathway system
  • Increase connectivity to key destinations
  • Make Columbia's pathway network is easy to navigate
  • Coordinate this project with the County's Bicycle Master Plan.
Their desired outcome is for this project include an implementable action agenda that establishes priorities for Columbia bicycling and pedestrian network improvements; identifies implementation projects, including a pathway signage/wayfinding pilot project; creates a series of route maps; recommends partnerships; and identifies responsible parties for the implementation projects.

The project has indeed identified improvement recommendations that they feel will help achieve the goal of increasing the amount of biking and walking in Columbia.  Their improvement recommendations identify the Patuxent Branch Trail Expansion project as #1 priority among the 39 proposed off-road pathway connections.  

February 2013:  A small 8 1/2 x 11" sign was posted on a gate at the end of Allview Drive announcing a Planning Board meeting on 2/7/13 at 7pm.  Despite the short notice, about 20 Allview Estates residents attended the meeting, and several residents expressed extreme opposition to the project.

February 8, 2013:  Laura Boone of Howard County stated that T7107 did pass and it is rated moderate for a feasibility study.  She said many moderate projects get done, and reported the following timetable:  the planning board has to have their recommendations to the County Executive by March 1. County Executive has to have his budget recommendations to the County Council by April 1.  

March 11, 2013:  Executive Ulman's Citizen's Budget hearing was held.  Several people spoke both in favor and in opposition of the project.  The Executive's inclusion of the project in his budget is still pending.

March 26, 2013:   Councilwoman Jen Terrasa held a community meeting for Allview residents to learn more about the project.  In attendance were representatives from Columbia Association, Public Works, and Planning and Zoning and between 60-70 Allview residents.  You can learn more about what was discussed at that meeting here.

April 15, 2013:  If the Executive includes this project in his budget, citizens will again be able to express opinions on the matter at the County Council meeting. 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent job on voicing your opinion and on your blog. The background and links you provided are very useful. In addition to what you have observed I would like to bring the following to your attention. After the recent upgrade to the sewer line was completed the drainage of the flood plain has greatly diminished. We have a TON of standing water back there now. Depending on how the proposed path is designed it may make the drainage worse. Just wanted to bring that to lite.
