The purpose of this blog is to document events and compile information related to the Patuxent Branch Trail Extension, T7107.

The Patuxent Branch Trail Extension is a proposed initiative to install a 10 foot wide multi-use pathway along the sewer line adjacent to the Little Patxuent River from downtown Columbia to Savage Park. This 2.8 mile paved trail will travel through the neighborhood of Allview Estates.

The trail extension is part of the Connecting Columbia Action Agenda and is coordinated by the Columbia Association in partnership with the County's Master Bicycle Plan initiative.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Allview Neighbors Have Successful Meeting With County Reps

On Tuesday, March 26th, 2013, at Atholton Elementary School, a public meeting was held for Allview area residents to meet with county representatives to learn a little bit more about the proposed project T7107.  The meeting was attended by County Council representative Jen Terrasa and numerous representatives from Public Works, the Columbia Association, and Planning and Zoning.  I didn't do a formal count, but I would estimate that there were 60-70 Allview area residents in attendance, too.  After a brief introduction of the proposed project, the floor was opened up for residents to speak on the matter and ask questions of the county officials.

Overall, both sides of the issue were quite well represented.  Residents expressed concerns as well as support for the proposed pathway.  I will attempt to summarize the discussion, but feel free to add anything I missed in the comment sections.

  • The pathway would provide a link from the Allview area to the existing pathway system throughout Columbia.
  • The pathway would encourage and facilitate active living and provide a viable alternative to driving.
  • Close and direct access to a multi-use pathway has been shown to improve property value.
  • The pathway would improve quality of life for the Allview neighborhood residents.
  • Not all residents place the same value on a paved pathway through their neighborhood.  Some moved to Allview to escape these things.
  • FEMA flood zones are being redefined and enlarged on a regular basis, and the entire proposed pathway lies in the existing flood zone.
  • Adding a 2 mile long, 10' wide impervious surface to an existing flood zone would only serve to exacerbate the already serious and severe flooding problems in Allview.
  • Any potential increase in property value due to proximity of a multi-use pathway could be be negated by increased flooding and the associated insurance costs and may actually result in lower home values
  • The Little Patuxent River is a major drainage route for a large portion of Columbia.  For this reason, even as much as 1/2 inch of rain can cause the river to flood its banks causing unsafe conditions for using the path.  Additionally, the maintenance required for a path that sees this level and frequency of flooding is a concern.
  • Erosion is major problem, and the proposed pathway would need to be constructed very close to the riverbank in some areas.
  • The entire area of the proposed pathway is designated by the county as a wetland preservation area.  By definition, a wetland is an area that is frequently/permanently underwater and/or an area where the water table is at or above ground level.  This definition perfectly describes the proposed location of the pathway:  the area is constantly underwater, wet, and swampy.  This type of area does not seem like a suitable location for a pathway designed for recreational use including bicycling and jogging.
  • There may be restrictions prohibiting vehicular use of a path constructed directly above the sewer line, which is the proposed location.  Vehicular use is necessary for path and sewer line maintenance, and an alternative location (not directly over the sewer line) may not be possible due to the adjacent property being privately owned in many areas.
  • The area under route 29 does not meet the minimum standards set forth for a multi-use pathway.  More specifically, there is not the 10 foot minimum ground clearance and there is no option for lowering the ground level, as the water level prevents that.
  • The footpath over route 29 has been cited as unsafe for use by many, but close-by residents worry that the same concerns exist under the Stevens Forest Road overpass.
  • There was a similar project proposed in the early 1980s that failed the feasibility study due to a determination by the county that any structure built spanning the Little Patuxent River downstream of Allview Drive would dam the river creating unsafe conditions.
  • There may be a legal document in existence prohibiting any and all development along the Allview section of the Little Patuxent River.  Details here are pending.
I hope that this accurately and completely represents the discussion from last night.  Overall, the meeting was well attended and informational.  Assuming the proposed project makes the County Executive's proposed budget, the next opportunity to express your opinion for or against the project will be at the County Council meeting on Monday, April 15th at 7pm.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hate to rain on the parade...

...but, Columbia received 0.52 inches of rain as reported by The Weather Channel and

This is what half an inch of rain does to the river:

The water level has risen about 6' to the top of its banks and is almost at path level.  From only 1/2 inch of rain.  And, this seems like a good site for a 10' wide paved path?  It will be covered with water often, and covered with the resulting dirt, sand and debris even more often.  Not to mention how such an impervious surface will only exacerbate the already severe flooding.